Thursday, 16 September 2010

Research on Film Trailers

The main purpose of Film Trailers is to tell the story of the film sis a limited time, usualy 2 minutes and 30 seconds because thats what the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) allows in theatrical trailers, online or home video trailers don't follow this rule. The MPAA also monitors what type of rating card the trailer is allowed. 

The Green card is most common card, as it's used in most film trailers since it has been known to mean "for all audiences, while the Red card is used on trailers which are not suitable for children. If the trailer does not follow the guidelines of the MPAA it gets a Red card which usualy means the trailer includes such things as profanity, nudity, bad launcuage (The most common one) and other type of material that is deemed inappropraite for children.

Pineapple Express

Pineapple express is a comedy stoner film. It stars Seth rogen and James Franco. This trailer shows us, the audience, that the film is a comedy stoner film. The reason for this is because Seth rogens character, Dale, is seen smoking a joint straight away in the first clip, the title is another obvious example as Pineapple Express in the film is established as the best weed you can buy. The trailer introduces us in the first 20 - 30 seconds the two characters, Dale and Saul. The time is shown before each character to show the audience the time difference between the two characters Dale is shown in his car while Saul is shown to be in his apartment, eating left over Chinese watching a sitcom. These two clips shows us the difference between the two characters, it shows us how the pair are different. Dale seems to be shown as a working man, with the suit and tie, while Saul is shown to be a slacker and a bit of a slob. I think the audience will pick up straight away by Saul's appearance that he is the drug dealer in the film and Dale is the buyer. The trailer moves onto Dale witnessing a murder and quickly gives the audience the plot to the film. It is now known that Dale and Saul have to run away from the bads guys because we know that they want him dead for witnessing the murder and they want to kill Saul because Dale dropped the Pineapple express outisde his house and will trace it back to the drug dealer. The song used in this trailer is quite unsual as it's a song which wouldn't proberly work with a trailer but managed to work with this film. The song is MIA, Paper planes and is played near the action and funny scenes. The gunshots in the song managed to sync in with the violence that is shown in the film clips, even one of the clips is a man firing a shotgun and a pistol with fits perfectly with the gunshots that are played in the song. Most times the ending scene in a comedy trailer has one last scene after the release date/name of the film or tagline. In Pineapple express it does this while they are trying to hitchhike.

Burn after Reading

Burn after reading is a black comedy which revolves round a bunch of people who set off a chain of bad events after two of them find a CIA CD at the gym where they work and try to sell it. You know they work in a Gym because the first scene in the trailer shows Brad pitt actually telling the other characters that they found a CD from the CIA in the locker room. This scene was good for being the first clip in the trailer because it's like Brad pitts character is telling not just his co-workers what he's found but the audience. It gives the audience an idea what the film revolves round and what is the iumportent key feature in the film. There are two songs played in this trailer. The first one is called Grounds for divorce by Elbow which acts are the action song linking the action, comedy scenes in a clip montage. The second song however is more lively and plays as the trailer goes through the cast of the film and it should as the film has a brilliant cast with John Malkovich, Brad Pitt and George Clooney. The end scene ends with a comedy clip with Brad Pitts character dancing on the running machine, the song which is playing still is called I've got a line on you by Spirit. It looks like his character is dancing along with the music that has been playing on the second part of the trailer. The trailer is different then the others as it's a "Red Band" trailer. The red band trailer is mostley for a more mature audience as it allows characters to swear whereas it's bleeped out or changed on the green band trailer. Most films look funnier on red band then on greenband because some films base there humor on swaering and sex related stuff which wouldn't be shown in the green band trailer.


Triangle is a Mystery thriller which focuses on a women called Jess, Melissa George, who sets sail on a boat with her friends but gets caught up in a storm which destroys the boat. They soon board a mysteries ship which is deserted or so they think. The film is based around a Timeloop. Jess gets mixed up in this and makes the film what it is. The film trailer, in my opinion is pretty misleading as it shows the film as a full on horror film, masked killer on the ship, friends could/will die etc, but it's not, the film is actually an enjoyable ride which raises a lot of questions and leaves you on the edge of your seat wanting answers and wanting to know whats going on. The film has been seen as a marmite film, some people love while others, who don't undertstand the ending of the fillm hate it. The trailer starts off with Jess's line "You want to know what I do when I have a bad dream, I close my eyes and think of something nice". This line is the first thing Jess says in the film, the trailer uses pretty much the same thing twice in the first half and scenes from earley on in the film so it dosen't spoil much for the audience, I think this is why the film is seen as a full on horror and not the Mystery thriller that it really is. The voice over man comes into play again as he does in most films, sounding like a seven foot tall man who has been chain smoking since child birth, saying the lines "You enter a place you have never been", "Everything you've seen you have seen before", this gives the audience a taste of the mystery surrounding the film, It raises questions making the audience want to know what is going on. The second half of the trailer gets really interersting and it has a clip which got me interested in the film and why it become one my favorite films in 2009. There is a scene after the screams where a gun is heard reloaded and a scene comes on with Jess holding her hands up, the camera then spins around to reveal the person who is holding the gun is another version of Jess, confusing the audience more, her line is "Your not me" and it leaves the audience guessing if she actually pulls the trigger. The song darkness rises comes into play and sets things in motion. The most notable lines in the second half of the trailer is lines such as "It's starting over again thats whats going on" and "We can change the pattern, we can change the pattern so were not traped" which relates to the time loop idea that the film bases it's self on. The ending scene of the trailer adds more to this because it shows one her friends body falling to the ground on the deck full on the same bodies.


I chose this film because it was unsual to see a Disney film which, in the trailer, focuses on the male character then the female character since most of there films is always about a princess and a prince. The film is a reimagined version of Rapunzel. The trailer starts off with a man running in the woods dodging arrows untill one hits into a wanted poster of the man who is running, the man comes back and says "They still can't get my nose right". It seems like Disney are tyring to capture some comedy moments in there new film. We finally get to the castle where Rapunzel is kept but this time it seems like Disney made our hero, pick that place to hide. Disney seem to be changing certain aspects of the Rapunzel story to keep it appealing to males more then females. Even half way into the trailer Rapunzel is not seen untill she final steps out of the shadows after tieing our hero up, but with her appaenece she only gets her first and last line in the entire trailer a few seconds later where she's swinging around a tree with her hair and says "This is the best day ever". The trailer, being more of a teaser trailer, does not really show much of the film but more of less the same clips thats proberly in the first half of the film, this is to not spoil much of the film while showing the film off. Some trailers do trailers so badly that they pretty much show the entire film in the trailer and don't leave hardly any suprizes in the film for the audience to be amazed at, Tangled however does not do that. The song used in the trailer, trouble by Pink, makes the princess in the film look like someone who even though the hero will fall in love with is someone who he will have to look after since it some clips she looks new to the outside world proberly because of the castle that she was been trapped in.


Megamind is a film which reimagineds the superhero movies by creating a movie where the bad guy actually manages to kill the good guy and see's the badguy get board of life and finds out that there has to be a balence of good and evil. Megamind soon faces a new threat and decides to protect the city which would then actually make him the good guy. The thing about the bad guy, Megamind is that he is actually the funny character in the film, he is voiced by comedy actor Will ferrell which makes sense since Will only usualy does comedy. The first scene shows Metroman showing off in front of a crowd who are cheering at him, untill Metroman pops up and says "Well evil is just cooler, Hit it" as he says hit it music which is used in the trailer plays and it shows Megamind getting dressed in common villian clothes. The next few scenes shows a reporter who Megamind has captured and must of been what Lois clark was to Superman, but the women does not seem scared but instead fed up showing the audience that Megamind has done this before and failed like many supervillians. The reporter, Roxanne Ritchi is voiced by Tina fey, Liz Lemon from 30 Rock, and her camera man Hal who is voiced by Jonah Hill. So far the audience can understand that this is a family comedy film as the cast have all been involved with Comedy sometime on another, even Megaminds sidekick Minion who is voiced by David Cross. Another song is played after Megamind takes to the streets after killing Metroman which is ACDC Highway to hell, when Minion asks what should they do now and Megamind bursts out laughing and replies with "I have no idea" implying he hasn't thought this far ahead and again he says "Hit it" and minion plays a radio which plays the song which could be the song that is played in the trailer which shows all the action scenes in the film, it is unknown since the film is yet to come out if it's a different song in the film. The reason I chose this trailer is because it's different from the other trailers I have talked about since this one is not a cinema trailer and is from the Comic Con 2010 event that happened a few months ago, you can tell this because the trailer is longer then two minutes and thirty seconds and your not allowed to go over the limit if it's a cinema trailer. This was made just for the Comic con and the internet

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